Monday, April 15, 2013

L...Lovely Lettuce

I am getting a bit behind once again but like just happens so I am playing catch up right now. So, L is for lettuce because I have recently discovered how many different types there are. Green leaf, red leaf, romaine, bibb, boston. Then you also have all the baby lettuces. I love to mix them all up into a yummy salad with other veggies. Of course, there is iceberg, which isn't my fave but I still incorporate it with the healthier ones.

Are there other types of lettuce I am missing?



  1. Hi Kim! One of my favorites is butter lettuce. It's super tender, mild flavored and has a very soft texture. OMG! I'm craving it now!! Check it out this summer! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living,

  2. Oooh, might have to try this soon. I love fresh, crisp lettuce, which is why I like romaine so much. Thanks for the tip!
