Monday, April 1, 2013


Welcome to the A-Z challenge for the month of April. I will be posting through the alphabet every day excluding Sunday. Why? Because it's fun and it gets someone like me, who forgets about their blog, to get back into the swing of things. it goes!

A is for avocados because I have discovered how much I love them. I think it's been maybe two years since I decided to try one. I was pleasantly surprised! They make a salad come alive and are great on sandwiches. They are also quite healthy. What more could you ask for?

Avocados contain all of that heart healthy fat that we hear so much about now days. They are a great source of fiber, potassium and vitamins C and K...and they are yummy!

Have you tried them yet? 

Photo by Liz West



  1. Avocatos are yummy. :-)

    Just stopping in from the A-to-Z challenge. I love the health food theme of your blog!

    Slithers of Thought (WR)

  2. Avocados are the bomb! I love them.
    mix them with cilantro for a great dip.
    Bon Appétit
    The High Cost of this Low Living
