Switching over to real food is tricky, especially when you would rather just open up a box of Kraft mac and cheese and fish sticks and be done with it. However, it's not exactly the healthiest to consume. In a perfect world, no one would use any of those nasty 100+ ingredients in their food. But we are a busy bunch, so those processed foods just come in handy.
Real food might be a little more work but just think of all of the nutrients and healthy stuff that is so much better for you. I have been trying to read labels and pick those that have five items or less or at least things I know and can pronounce. There will be times when it may just not be possible to follow but let me tell you, reading the back of a box or bag can truly be enlightening. More real food and less processed is my goal.
Have you tried more fresh food and less processed?
I think you're my twin! I have all the same thoguhts and ideas!! I won't eat anything with ingredient I can't pronounce!! Great post! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living, http://www.wholefoodsliving.blogspot.com/