Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Yes, I am a little behind at the moment so today I am doing both G and H. Do you like greens? I like certain greens. I usually pick spinach, green leaf lettuce and other baby lettuces that are supposed to be good for you. Iceberg lettuce has become more obsolete for me because there isn't as much health value in that as there is in darker greens.

I love just throwing everything together in a salad. What other greens do you like to toss in your daily salads?

Have a 'green' kind of day!


1 comment:

  1. I grow most of my own greens and make green drinks. It's amazing how good they make me feel. Plus, I get so much more, because there's no way I could eat that much produce in a day. I simply put a bunch in the blender with purified water, strain it and drink a few cups a day. Good stuff!
