Wednesday, April 24, 2013


There are just some things that may be healthy but you just can't eat them no matter what others say. Tomatoes fall into that category for me. Never liked them. I even once tried a tomato and grapefruit diet when I was a teen of which it almost made me sick.

Is there something that you absolutely won't eat?


S...Shredded Wheat

Let's talk cereal. I happen to love cereal. Not the super sugary stuff that I used to eat but some healthier types of cereal. I just recently rediscovered Shredded Wheat which I used to eat when I was growing up. It is supposedly healthy for you and very low sugar.

I was eating Quaker Oatmeal Squares but since being on the Dash Diet, I was trying to look for a lower sugar variety. I still have that one but not quite as often. Just looking and switching to foods with lower sugar content is just one small step to a healthier life.

I know, trying to play catch up again. Have a great day!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

R...Real Food

Switching over to real food is tricky, especially when you would rather just open up a box of Kraft mac and cheese and fish sticks and be done with it. However, it's not exactly the healthiest to consume. In a perfect world, no one would use any of those nasty 100+ ingredients in their food. But we are a busy bunch, so those processed foods just come in handy.

Real food might be a little more work but just think of all of the nutrients and healthy stuff that is so much better for you. I have been trying to read labels and pick those that have five items or less or at least things I know and can pronounce. There will be times when it may just not be possible to follow but let me tell you, reading the back of a box or bag can truly be enlightening. More real food and less processed is my goal.

Have you tried more fresh food and less processed?


Saturday, April 20, 2013


What is quinoa? I had to ask myself that same question when I first saw this on the shelf. It is actually a seed of some kind, although most see it as a whole grain. Guess it can be considered both but the most important thing is that it is a healthier alternative than rice and it tastes good!

It is high in protein and gluten-free. I have seen many kinds at the store recently. Have you tried this delicious and healthy food?


Friday, April 19, 2013


I think peaches might be my second favorite fruit behind blueberries. I love anything peaches...peach pie, peach cobbler, peaches and cream...or just a plain old juicy sweet peach. Yum! How about peaches and cottage cheese?

Peaches have fiber and high in vitamin C, along with other nutrients. But they are just plain peachy!


Photo by Rick Harris

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

O...Optimum Health

The definition of optimum is something that is most favorable. Wouldn't your health fall under this? Who wouldn't favor optimum health? However, no one said it would be easy to obtain it.

After losing 11 lbs. doing the Dash diet, I am wavered a bit. I haven't stepped on the scale the past week but I am sure I have gained a lb. or two back. So, I am still plugging along remembering exactly why I need to do this! I struggle just like everyone else but the road to optimum health can be fun and interesting.

Here's to an optimum kind of day!


N...Oh Nuts!

I have never been much of a nut person. They are okay but they would certainly be on the bottom of my choices of things to snack on. I have since changed my tune.

I have discovered that I really love pistachios. And I have rediscovered cashews. Those actually made me sick just thinking about them for years because I really did get sick on them when I was little. I know...pretty gross. But they are quite yummy and I ate them on the Dash diet so they can't be all that bad.

Nuts are certainly a healthier alternative to candy bars or chips. What kind do you like to munch on?


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


You know the saying...everything in moderation. It's so true. I think this might be my biggest problem area that I need to conquer in my journey to healthy eating. I have a tendency to eat three platefuls of dinner or a whole bag of chips or cookies. No wonder I am overweight and unhealthy!

Food is just so good, how could you not resist? That is the trouble with a lot of people, including me. We don't resist the temptation. The things I love the most are cheesecake, mashed potatoes and gravy and pastries. I have a really hard time eating a small helping or just one of these. But it is necessary to not be pigging out on these empty calories, even though they are yummy.

It certainly doesn't just apply to food either. The same goes for everything in life. Work, alcohol, spending money, even exercise. Too much of a good thing can turn bad for us.

Everything in moderation. I think I need to cross stitch this saying and hang it on my wall!

What things do you need to remember to keep in moderation for a healthy life?


Monday, April 15, 2013

L...Lovely Lettuce

I am getting a bit behind once again but like just happens so I am playing catch up right now. So, L is for lettuce because I have recently discovered how many different types there are. Green leaf, red leaf, romaine, bibb, boston. Then you also have all the baby lettuces. I love to mix them all up into a yummy salad with other veggies. Of course, there is iceberg, which isn't my fave but I still incorporate it with the healthier ones.

Are there other types of lettuce I am missing?


Saturday, April 13, 2013

K...King-sized meals

I am a little behind at the moment with the A-Z challenge. But here is my K word...King-sized meals or snacks or in plain English...eating too much food at once! I have a habit of doing just that. Between eating 2 or 3 helpings at mealtime and not knowing when to stop when eating snacks, it is no wonder I am not bigger than I am right now. I also know this is not a healthy lifestyle.

So, I am going to try my best to downsize everything I eat. How about you?


Friday, April 12, 2013

J...Junk Food

Isn't junk food great? Well, it may taste good but it really wrecks havoc on our health. Look at how unhealthy America is today? Heart disease, diabetes, cancer...the list goes on and on. Everyone seems to be too busy to worry about what goes into our bodies. It's all about convenience these days. Me included. Who wants to cook when you have your food in 2 seconds at the drive through window??

However, I have experienced how bad I feel vs. how much better I felt during those 2 weeks I was on phase one of the Dash diet.How much do you think about what you are eating? Are you like me and just like the convenience of junk food instead of healthy foods?

Let's take a stand and make some changes! I know that I can do it. How about you?


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


That's me today...irritable. Not sure why. Maybe it's because it is so gloomy out this week and I need some sun in my life. Maybe it's because I haven't done as much in my two days off that I wanted to get done. Maybe it's because I have to go back to work tomorrow and I really don't want to. Maybe it's because I messed up and have eaten too much of the bad stuff again.

Yeah, I have messed up again. Why does food have to be so darn good? Plus I have been stressed lately and that sure doesn't help much. I need to get back on the wagon and start eating my veggies again and stop with the bad stuff. I can certainly feel the difference in how I feel, too. Hopefully, this irritability I feel right now will not last.

I didn't mean for this to be a downer post but it just goes to show you that what we put into our bodies does make a difference in how we feel. Oh, and a little sun would do good, too!

Have a great 'I' day!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

H...Healthy Life

What does it mean to have a healthy life? Does it mean no drinking or smoking? Not eating fried foods? Staying away from sugar? It seems to mean something different for everyone. To me, having a healthy life is based on how I feel each day. Of course, having fibro means that I feel yucky at some point most days. However, some days are totally worse than others.

I can feel the difference when I eat a ton of sugary stuff vs. when I eat healthier foods. It is all about balance. What you eat, how much rest you get, exercise, even stress can affect how healthy one is.

What does a healthy life mean to you?



Yes, I am a little behind at the moment so today I am doing both G and H. Do you like greens? I like certain greens. I usually pick spinach, green leaf lettuce and other baby lettuces that are supposed to be good for you. Iceberg lettuce has become more obsolete for me because there isn't as much health value in that as there is in darker greens.

I love just throwing everything together in a salad. What other greens do you like to toss in your daily salads?

Have a 'green' kind of day!


Saturday, April 6, 2013


Having been diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple years ago brought me to a point where I realized a few things.

1. I never knew unexplained pain could hurt so darn bad!

2. Working on my feet all day at a stressful job is something that I can barely handle anymore.

3. I really need to do whatever I can to get to a healthier state, which is why I decided to try the Dash diet.

I am sure there are many other things I have learned about fibro but my mind is kind of in a fog right now. :)

If anyone other fibro sufferers are out there and has some tips on how to handle this crazy stuff, please feel free to tip away! I need all the help I can get.

Here's to trying to get this fibro under control by getting healthy!


Friday, April 5, 2013


Does anyone really like to exercise? I suppose some do but I was never one of them. However, ever since I developed fibromyalgia, I kind of miss it. I can do light stuff but I miss having the choice to do some heavy duty walking or even playing tennis if I wanted to.

Do you like exercise or do you just endure it because it's good for you?


Thursday, April 4, 2013


What does the word diet mean to you? I happen to like the phrase 'healthy eating' rather than dieting. I just finished with phase one of the Dash diet and lost 11 lbs. so far. I really don't consider this a diet because it is teaching us to eat healthy and to take control of your health. It was hard but now I feel like I can start becoming more aware of the choices that I have when it comes to what I consume.

Hopefully everyone is having a great D day!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

C...Cheesecake Heaven!

Yes, I realize that this is a healthy life blog. However, one can indulge every once a in a while, right?? Cheesecake is the love of my food that is. My sister-in-law makes some of the best ones. On Easter a few days ago, she made this heavenly pineapple cheesecake. I was good and only took a small piece but let me tell you, I could have eaten about four pieces in one sitting. Actually, I used to have at least a couple of good sized pieces. But I am trying to be good.

I pretty much love all cheesecakes, except those that have more of a sour cream base, It has to be cream cheesey. Blueberry, strawberry, pumpkin, coconut, plain...any flavor will do. Well, except for chocolate. That is my least favorite. Go figure,

What is your favorite flavor of cheesecake? Do you indulge, just a little bit?


Photo Credit: Chris Birchill

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

B...Biggest Loser

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be competing on the "Biggest Loser?" Has anyone seen that show? This last season is the only one that I have seen every episode from start to finish.

Am I the only one that isn't a big fan of a trainer yelling at you to get your butt moving and to kick it into higher gear? They all look amazing but not big on the way they go about it. But of course, that is my own opinion. I think I will stick to my own way of losing weight, thank you.

Would you go on the Biggest Loser if you had the chance?


Monday, April 1, 2013


Welcome to the A-Z challenge for the month of April. I will be posting through the alphabet every day excluding Sunday. Why? Because it's fun and it gets someone like me, who forgets about their blog, to get back into the swing of things. it goes!

A is for avocados because I have discovered how much I love them. I think it's been maybe two years since I decided to try one. I was pleasantly surprised! They make a salad come alive and are great on sandwiches. They are also quite healthy. What more could you ask for?

Avocados contain all of that heart healthy fat that we hear so much about now days. They are a great source of fiber, potassium and vitamins C and K...and they are yummy!

Have you tried them yet? 

Photo by Liz West
